Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thinking Out of The Box-9 Dots Challenge!!!

Level 1: Using '4' straight lines, connect all nine dots without breaking the line (i.e. lifting your pen off the paper).

Level 2: Now using only '3' Lines , connect all nine dots without breaking the line. (Try to think Out of the Box).

To solve the puzzle, step outside the normal or expected pattern of responses. One must try unusual or low-probability alternatives. This is logical if you think about what defines a puzzle. A puzzle is a problem for which the obvious response does not work. Otherwise the situation would not be puzzling. So a puzzle always requires a person to think "outside the box."

Thinking outside the box (sometimes erroneously called "thinking out of the box" or "thinking outside the square") is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective.

Please go to the website to cross check the solutions and see how "Lateral Thinking" works and look the solutions at: End of the page

We should think in a different manner in order to be successful in Life. Innovative Thinking is all we need.

Challenge & Solution:
Level 1:  Using ’4′ straight lines, connect all nine dots without breaking the line (i.e. lifting your pen off the paper).
Level 2: Now using only ’3′ Lines , connect all nine dots without breaking the line. (Try to think Out of the Box).
To solve the puzzle, step outside the normal or expected pattern of responses. One must try unusual or low-probability alternatives. This is logical if you think about what defines a puzzle. A puzzle is a problem for which the obvious response does not work. Otherwise the situation would not be puzzling. So a puzzle always requires a person to think “outside the box.”
        Solution:  You should probably have figured out the answer on the right.  If not Have a look.
       Level1: Using 4 Lines
        Level 2: Using 3 Lines
This is what creativity is all about.
Thinking outside the box (sometimes erroneously called “thinking out of the box” or “thinking outside the square”) is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective.
We should think in a different manner in order to be successful in Life. Innovative Thinking is all we need.

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